Support us

We rely on volunteers

Without people like you offering their time, Nourish simply wouldn’t be able to help those in our community who desperately need food and support.

Our volunteers do all kinds of things from sorting, packing and delivering the food to helping at events and overseeing the running of the charity as trustees.

Many volunteers choose to come in their own free time but we also have volunteers who join us from local businesses, community organisations, social clubs and youth groups.

If you think you could help, roles that we have available currently are shown below.

Warehouse Volunteer

There are two main roles in the warehouse: sorting the donated food, and preparing parcels of food to be delivered to people in need. We’re looking for volunteers right now.

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Delivery Driver

Drivers take the food parcels from the warehouse to the houses of the people who need it. We need more people to join our team of drivers, so we’re recruiting now.

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Events Volunteer

We run all kinds of events through the year to raise money and encourage food donations and we’re always looking for people to help at them.

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The board of trustees at Nourish oversee the charity and make decisions about how it is run and the services it provides. We are actively looking for new trustees at the moment.

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